Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine

Back Issue
December 2008 - Volume 07, Issue 4
Table of Contents
Research article
Training-Level Induced Changes in Blood Parameters Response to On-Water Rowing Races
François Denis Desgorces, Marc Testa, Cyril Petibois
2008, 07(4), 425-430

Research article
Relationships Between Muscle Fatigue Characteristics and Markers of Endurance Performance
Martyn G. Morris, Helen Dawes, Ken Howells, Oona M. Scott, Mary Cramp
2008, 07(4), 431-436

Research article
Impact of diet, exercise end diet combined with exercise programs on plasma lipoprotein and adiponectin levels in obese girls
Omar Ben Ounis, Mohamed Elloumi, Mohamed Amri, Abdelkarim Zbidi, Zouhair Tabka, Gerard Lac
2008, 07(4), 437-445

Research article
Psychophysiological responses in the pre-competition period in elite soccer players
Déborah Alix-Sy, Christine Le Scanff, Edith Filaire
2008, 07(4), 446-454

Research article
Discrepancy between training, competition and laboratory measures of maximum heart rate in NCAA division 2 distance runners
Katherine Semin, Alvah C. Stahlnecker IV, Kate Heelan, Gregory A. Brown, Brandon S. Shaw, Ina Shaw
2008, 07(4), 455-460

Research article
Validity of critical frequency test for measuring table tennis aerobic endurance through specific protocol
Alessandro M. Zagatto, Marcelo Papoti, Claudio A. Gobatto
2008, 07(4), 461-466

Research article
Muscle Activation During Low-Intensity Muscle Contractions With Varying Levels of External Limb Compression
Tomohiro Yasuda, William F. Brechue, Taku Fujita, Yoshiaki Sato, Takashi Abe
2008, 07(4), 467-474

Research article
Effects of the Menstrual Cycle on Expiratory Resistance During Whole Body Exercise in Females
Alethea J. Anderson, Mark A. Babcock
2008, 07(4), 475-479

Research article
Position-Specific Deficit of Joint Position Sense in Ankles with Chronic Functional Instability
Shigeki Yokoyama, Nobuou Matsusaka, Kazuyoshi Gamada, Makoto Ozaki, Hiroyuki Shindo
2008, 07(4), 480-485

Research article
Changes in Rowing Technique Over a Routine One Hour Low Intensity High Volume Training Session
Hugh A.M. Mackenzie, Anthony M.J. Bull, Alison H. McGregor
2008, 07(4), 486-491

Research article
Effect of an On-Sight Lead on the Physiological and Psychological Responses to Rock Climbing
Nick Draper, Glenys A. Jones, Simon Fryer, Chris Hodgson, Gavin Blackwell
2008, 07(4), 492-498

Research article
Anthropometric, Gait and Strength Characteristics of Kenyan Distance Runners
Pui W. Kong, Hendrik de Heer
2008, 07(4), 499-504

Research article
Changes in EEG During Graded Exercise on a Recumbent Cycle Ergometer
Stephen P. Bailey, Eric E. Hall, Stephen E. Folger, Paul C. Miller
2008, 07(4), 505-511

Research article
Pronounced Muscle Deoxygenation During Supramaximal Exercise Under Simulated Hypoxia in Sprint Athletes
Kazuo Oguri, Hajime Fujimoto, Hiroyuki Sugimori, Kei Miyamoto, Toshiki Tachi, Sachio Nagasaki, Yoshihiro Kato, Toshio Matsuoka
2008, 07(4), 512-519

Research article
The Effect of Stimulus Anticipation on the Interpolated Twitch Technique
Duane C. Button, David G. Behm
2008, 07(4), 520-524

Research article
Peak Fat Oxidation Rate During Walking in Sedentary Overweight Men and Women
Gregory C. Bogdanis, Anna Vangelakoudi, Maria Maridaki
2008, 07(4), 525-531

Research article
Validation of a New Portable Metabolic System During an Incremental Running Test
Víctor Díaz, Pedro José Benito, Ana Belén Peinado, María Álvarez, Carlos Martín, Valter Di Salvo, Fabio Pigozzi, Nicola Maffulli, Fracisco Javier Calderón
2008, 07(4), 532-536

Research article
Evaluation of Work Place Group and Internet Based Physical Activity Interventions on Psychological Variables Associated with Exercise Behavior Change
Kimberley A. Dawson, Jill Tracey, Tanya Berry
2008, 07(4), 537-543

Research article
3D Reconstruction of Phalangeal and Metacarpal Bones of Male Judo Players and Sedentary Men by MDCT Images
Ibrahim Kalayci
2008, 07(4), 544-548

Research article
Acute Effects of Pre-Event Lower Limb Massage on Explosive and High Speed Motor Capacities and Flexibility
Ramiz Arabaci
2008, 07(4), 549-555

Case report
Stress Fracture of the Ulna in a Break-Dancer
Yu-Hsu Chen, Chun-Lin Kuo, Leou-Chyr Lin, Shyu-Jye Wang, Chian-Her Lee
2008, 07(4), 556-559

Letter to editor
Hormonal Responses in Heavy Training and Recovery Periods in an Elite Male Weightlifter
Ching-Lin Wu, Wei Hung, Shin-Yuan Wang, Chen-Kang Chang
2008, 07(4), 560-561

Letter to editor
Herbal Supplements: Cause for Concern?
Paolo Borrione, Luigi Di Luigi, Nicola Maffulli, Fabio Pigozzi
2008, 07(4), 562-564

Letter to editor
The Best Athletes in Ancient Rome were Vegetarian!
Umile Giuseppe Longo, Filippo Spiezia, Nicola Maffulli, Vincenzo Denaro
2008, 07(4), 565-565

Book review
Craig J. Della Vale; series editor: Bernard R. Bach, Jr
2008, 07(4), 566

Book review
Mia Erickson, Rebecca McKnight and Ralph Utzman
2008, 07(4), 567

Book review
NUTRITION AND FITNESS: CULTURAL, GENETIC AND METABOLIC ASPECTS Selected Proceedings of the International Congress and Exhibition on Nutrition, Fitness and Health, Shanghai, November 30 to December 2, 2006
Artemis P. Simopoulos
2008, 07(4), 568

Book review
Frank E Marino
2008, 07(4), 569

Book review
Walter W. Virkus; Series Editor: Bernard R. Bach, Jr
2008, 07(4), 570

Guest Reviewers, Volume 07, 2008
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